Acquiring a Pennsylvania Hunting License

There’s that old Spiderman saying – “With great power comes great responsibility.” The same can be applied to acquiring your Pennsylvania hunting license. If you plan to purchase the license, you’ll also need to make plans to attend a Hunter-Trapper Education course, as per the Pennsylvania Game Commission.


Classes are available in different parts of the state and you need to register online, which you can find here. You can enroll in different classes. There’s the basic course, which is a six-hour course over one or two days. There’s also an independent study, which you can do from home.


According to the Commission, the classes are filling up fast and they recommend that you enroll as soon as possible. Last year, around 41,000 persons took the courses and that number is expected to be larger this year.


Remember, these courses are necessary if you want to acquire a first-time hunting license. There are also other classes open to the public, including bowhunting and turkey hunting classes. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today! The sooner, the better.