When it comes to hunting, do you think you know everything and don’t need any help whatsoever? If so, good luck and godspeed– go without a guide! Now, for the other 99.9% of hunters who know and appreciate that they don’t know everything there is to know about hunting, there are hunting guides. At Tioga Ranch in North Central Pennsylvania, big game hunts with a knowledgeable and helpful guide are available to capture boar, turkey, bison, elk, etc.
Reasons to Work With a Hunting Guide
Hunting is a lifelong learning experience, isn’t it? When you hunt with a guide, you get to pick their brain about what they know and have learned during their many previous hunts. Furthermore, they know the land where they hunt better than you do– they know the sweet spots to find what you’re looking for, and they’re familiar with trails, places you “don’t want to go,” etc. A guide’s experience and knowledge of an area’s terrain is invaluable– they help you navigate the area in a safe and smart way.
It’s important to put safety first when hunting, and a guide will take the time to make sure hunters are using reliable firearms (or bows), as well as proper ammo, knives, etc. Rather than go it alone and forget something you might need, hunting with a guide is a smart idea because he or she will bring along a first-aid kit, a GPS/compass for navigation, binoculars or a spotting scope, and/or a backpack to carry supplies. Two or more hunters together is also a good idea should one person get injured– better to have a buddy out there to help than to be all alone, left to die in the wilderness.
Guides help hunters improve their kills, while also tracking wildlife efficiently. They often introduce hunters to the latest premium gear available, from rangefinders to game calls. And they enhance the overall experience providing camaraderie and someone to “take the picture” when an animal is shot.
Enjoy a guided hunt at Tioga Ranch– call 570-835-5341 for more info.